Curriculum Intent

At Giles Brook Primary School we offer a creative cross curricular primary curriculum which is imaginative, exciting and actively contributes to the learning experiences of all our children. We recognise that our children enter school from a range of different settings and increasingly from culturally diverse backgrounds. We encourage children from an early age to share and celebrate this diversity, building communities within each classroom as well as across the school.

Our curriculum has been carefully organised; each topic begins with an exciting starter to engage interest: knowledge and skills are then built upon through units of work. Clear sequential progression in teaching ensures knowledge builds systematically.

To make the learning relevant, cross-curricular links and references to prior learning are made wherever possible and children are encouraged to apply skills and knowledge from all areas to complete real-life challenges and investigations. A variety of teaching strategies are employed with an emphasis on creativity and curiosity to motivate and encourage a life-long love of learning. The Magenta Principles of ‘Think, Talk, Do’ are threaded through our teaching. Where appropriate, our themes end with opportunities to celebrate outcomes with family and friends. ​

English and Maths skills are taught daily to ensure our children become competent and proficient learners. Our topic work allows the children to apply new knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts with increased confidence. Reading is prioritised to ensure children access our full curriculum and leave with the skills to support them in their future lives. Mathematical fluency and confidence is key and concepts are embedded to ensure competency and extended to provide challenge. Through our curriculum, we endeavour to make our children successful users of a range of Information Technology so they can embrace the social, cultural and economic opportunities that instant global communication offers. Homework tasks support and consolidate learning as well as providing challenging opportunities to explore, research and investigate further. Our curriculum is designed to give all pupils, including those with SEND or those with different experiences or starting points, the knowledge and skills they need to be independent learners and to be prepared for the next steps in their learning journeys. Our classrooms are bright, active places to learn; displays value achievement and working walls aid children through mapping the stages of a learning task, identifying the steps to success and key subject vocabulary.

We enrich our curriculum through the use of visits within the locality, residential visits from Y4 and themed learning days/weeks. As a school we recognise our children’s love of the arts and sport. The Arts are an important part of our curriculum and has been recognised as such through achieving the Silver Artsmark accreditation. In addition, sport and physical exercise is integral to our children’s well being and so is prominent in our curriculum. Specialist teachers enhance our sport and music provision and we provide numerous opportunities for our children to be involved in representing our school in a variety of disciplines both in our local community and at regional level.

The school and our parents have high expectations of our children and set aspirational goals. As a result, we provide character building opportunities for children to develop their leadership skills and promote positive attitudes to learning, valuing achievements both within and outside the school day. We do our utmost to boost and encourage self-esteem and encourage a growth mindset through all aspects of learning. We encourage ‘pupil voice’ and listen to innovative ideas from our children. Our School Council, Eco Council and Park Rangers work actively with Governors and the community to address and develop areas of the school and local area. Our children are confident communicators who are continually developing and learning and, through encouragement and good modelling, they learn how to work together respectfully and tackle new challenges with resilience.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding (SMSC) is integral to our school curriculum and ethos and is woven through day to day classroom activities such as discussion and circle times, check ins, through assemblies, curriculum content and skills. We have an expectation of good manners and behaviour and this is evident in the relationships established between children themselves and between children and adults in our school. House points are awarded for children who have stood out to a member of staff either academically or socially with both effort and achievement being celebrated. We teach Restorative Principles, encouraging children to analyse their behaviour and the impact it has upon others and how to make informed choices for the future.

We recognise that what children learn through their primary years of schooling contributes directly to their success in the future and therefore, we aim to give our children the best possible opportunities through the curriculum and the experiences we offer to ensure our children are well prepared for their next stage of learning.

Should you require further information about the Curriculum Offer at Giles Brook, feel free to contact us on 01908 507627 and request a call from our Deputy Headteacher who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.