We have high expectations of children within our school and, during the day, they will be asked to work hard in all aspects of their learning. We set a range of homework tasks which develop and increase in amount as the children progress through our school.
Learning experiences in Nursery and Foundation can be shared on Tapestry. All parents will be given a log on once their child is registered with us. We value all the learning opportunities that you, as parents, are able to support with at home and love to share those experiences with you. Our staff also upload some of the exciting steps and achievements your child makes at school so that you can share their progress and success with them at home.
From Year 1, homework will be completed in Homework Books, supported with Google Classroom as necessary.
Homework will mainly include:- spellings, maths tasks, times tables, written work, reading and research tasks. Other activities may be set related to the current topic and links to Websites to practise and embed concepts will also feature. In the latter part of the school, homework may include a task which will prepare children for a lesson or a follow up task to embed their understanding or secure important knowledge.
We have high expectations of children within our school and, during the day, they will be asked to work hard in all aspects of their learning. We set a range of homework tasks which develop and increase in amount as the children progress through our school.
Learning experiences in Nursery and Foundation can be shared on Tapestry. All parents will be given a log on once their child is registered with us. We value all the learning opportunities that you, as parents, are able to support with at home and love to share those experiences with you. Our staff also upload some of the exciting steps and achievements your child makes at school so that you can share their progress and success with them at home.
Throughout their time at our school children will be expected to read regularly at home. We want children to enjoy reading fiction books for pleasure and to be keen to explore non fiction texts to extend their interests and embed new knowledge. All children have access to library books weekly and can select books from class libraries too.
In Foundation and Year 1, children will bring home a phonetically decodable book to read with you. This allows children to practise and embed the phonic skills they are currently being taught in school. They will keep this for a number of days and should re-read this often to build up their decoding skills.
As children become more fluent readers, they will work through a wider range of texts.