Learning at the Heart of our Community
It is our aim that Giles Brook is the central point of our community. Our children always come first and we want to motivate and equip them with the tools to develop into responsible individuals of the future. We endeavour to inspire confidence in all of our children so that there is no challenge they fear. Providing a nurturing environment along with a stimulating, engaging and creative curriculum, is essential to ensure our children are happy, courteous and respectful individuals who are passionate about learning and always aiming to achieve.
Positive relationships and collaboration between the children, staff, parents and governors are of the utmost importance to us so that our children enjoy the best possible start to their education. Access to the best resources and IT facilities is key in allowing our children to safely embrace the social, cultural and economic opportunities that instant global communication offers.
Pupils will leave Giles Brook ready for the challenges of the modern world - the future is limitless for our children. ​
- To ensure that the needs and best interests of children at our school come first in all our decisions: every single child matters.
- To have an ‘open-door’ policy and provide a happy, safe, warm, caring and stimulating environment for everyone who enters our school.
- To achieve high standards in Reading, Writing and Mathematics, enabling all children, including those with special educational needs, disabilities or who speak different languages, to participate and succeed in the basic skills across all subjects.
- To celebrate the abilities, gifts and talents of all children by recognising their creative, physical and academic potential.
- To develop lively, receptive minds, encouraging independence, self-confidence and a positive attitude towards learning throughout life.
- To provide high quality teaching and learning and a broad, balanced curriculum, enhanced by extra-curricular activities and opportunities accessible to all children.
- To provide opportunities for children to work together cooperatively, to develop their social skills and heighten their awareness of others.
- To understand and celebrate all beliefs, cultures and backgrounds, equality of opportunity and a whole world view of humanity for all children.
- To foster close links with parents, carers and the local community, and involve them in the learning process.
- To encourage good behaviour, healthy lifestyles, citizenship and a sense of responsibility towards the environment and develop well balanced, motivated and sensitive human beings ready to take their skills to the workplace​.